226 research outputs found

    Cooperative Feedback for Multi-Antenna Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive beamforming (CB) is a multi-antenna technique for efficient spectrum sharing between primary users (PUs) and secondary users (SUs) in a cognitive radio network. Specifically, a multi-antenna SU transmitter applies CB to suppress the interference to the PU receivers as well as enhance the corresponding SU-link performance. In this paper, for a multiple-input-single-output (MISO) SU channel coexisting with a single-input-single-output (SISO) PU channel, we propose a new and practical paradigm for designing CB based on the finite-rate cooperative feedback from the PU receiver to the SU transmitter. Specifically, the PU receiver communicates to the SU transmitter the quantized SU-to-PU channel direction information (CDI) for computing the SU transmit beamformer, and the interference power control (IPC) signal that regulates the SU transmission power according to the tolerable interference margin at the PU receiver. Two CB algorithms based on cooperative feedback are proposed: one restricts the SU transmit beamformer to be orthogonal to the quantized SU-to-PU channel direction and the other relaxes such a constraint. In addition, cooperative feedforward of the SU CDI from the SU transmitter to the PU receiver is exploited to allow more efficient cooperative feedback. The outage probabilities of the SU link for different CB and cooperative feedback/feedforward algorithms are analyzed, from which the optimal bit-allocation tradeoff between the CDI and IPC feedback is characterized.Comment: 26 pages; to appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Processin

    Cooperative Precoding with Limited Feedback for MIMO Interference Channels

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    Multi-antenna precoding effectively mitigates the interference in wireless networks. However, the resultant performance gains can be significantly compromised in practice if the precoder design fails to account for the inaccuracy in the channel state information (CSI) feedback. This paper addresses this issue by considering finite-rate CSI feedback from receivers to their interfering transmitters in the two-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) interference channel, called cooperative feedback, and proposing a systematic method for designing transceivers comprising linear precoders and equalizers. Specifically, each precoder/equalizer is decomposed into inner and outer components for nulling the cross-link interference and achieving array gain, respectively. The inner precoders/equalizers are further optimized to suppress the residual interference resulting from finite-rate cooperative feedback. Further- more, the residual interference is regulated by additional scalar cooperative feedback signals that are designed to control transmission power using different criteria including fixed interference margin and maximum sum throughput. Finally, the required number of cooperative precoder feedback bits is derived for limiting the throughput loss due to precoder quantization.Comment: 23 pages; 5 figures; this work was presented in part at Asilomar 2011 and will appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Com

    Coverage and Economy of Cellular Networks with Many Base Stations

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    The performance of a cellular network can be significantly improved by employing many base stations (BSs), which shortens transmission distances. However, there exist no known results on quantifying the performance gains from deploying many BSs. To address this issue, we adopt a stochastic-geometry model of the downlink cellular network and analyze the mobile outage probability. Specifically, given Poisson distributed BSs, the outage probability is shown to diminish inversely with the increasing ratio between the BS and mobile densities. Furthermore, we analyze the optimal tradeoff between the performance gain from increasing the BS density and the resultant network cost accounting for energy consumption, BS hardware and backhaul cables. The optimal BS density is proved to be proportional to the square root of the mobile density and the inverse of the square root of the cost factors considered.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in IEEE Communications Letter

    Mitigating Interference in Content Delivery Networks by Spatial Signal Alignment: The Approach of Shot-Noise Ratio

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    Multimedia content especially videos is expected to dominate data traffic in next-generation mobile networks. Caching popular content at the network edge has emerged to be a solution for low-latency content delivery. Compared with the traditional wireless communication, content delivery has a key characteristic that many signals coexisting in the air carry identical popular content. They, however, can interfere with each other at a receiver if their modulation-and-coding (MAC) schemes are adapted to individual channels following the classic approach. To address this issue, we present a novel idea of content adaptive MAC (CAMAC) where adapting MAC schemes to content ensures that all signals carry identical content are encoded using an identical MAC scheme, achieving spatial MAC alignment. Consequently, interference can be harnessed as signals, to improve the reliability of wireless delivery. In the remaining part of the paper, we focus on quantifying the gain CAMAC can bring to a content-delivery network using a stochastic-geometry model. Specifically, content helpers are distributed as a Poisson point process, each of which transmits a file from a content database based on a given popularity distribution. It is discovered that the successful content-delivery probability is closely related to the distribution of the ratio of two independent shot noise processes, named a shot-noise ratio. The distribution itself is an open mathematical problem that we tackle in this work. Using stable-distribution theory and tools from stochastic geometry, the distribution function is derived in closed form. Extending the result in the context of content-delivery networks with CAMAC yields the content-delivery probability in different closed forms. In addition, the gain in the probability due to CAMAC is shown to grow with the level of skewness in the content popularity distribution.Comment: 32 pages, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communicatio

    Cooperative Feedback for MIMO Interference Channels

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    Multi-antenna precoding effectively mitigates the interference in wireless networks. However, the precoding efficiency can be significantly degraded by the overhead due to the required feedback of channel state information (CSI). This paper addresses such an issue by proposing a systematic method of designing precoders for the two-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) interference channels based on finite-rate CSI feedback from receivers to their interferers, called cooperative feedback. Specifically, each precoder is decomposed into inner and outer precoders for nulling interference and improving the data link array gain, respectively. The inner precoders are further designed to suppress residual interference resulting from finite-rate cooperative feedback. To regulate residual interference due to precoder quantization, additional scalar cooperative feedback signals are designed to control transmitters' power using different criteria including applying interference margins, maximizing sum throughput, and minimizing outage probability. Simulation shows that such additional feedback effectively alleviates performance degradation due to quantized precoder feedback.Comment: 5 pages; submitted to IEEE ICC 201

    Wirelessly Powered Backscatter Communication Networks: Modeling, Coverage and Capacity

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    Future Internet-of-Things (IoT) will connect billions of small computing devices embedded in the environment and support their device-to-device (D2D) communication. Powering this massive number of embedded devices is a key challenge of designing IoT since batteries increase the devices' form factors and battery recharging/replacement is difficult. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel network architecture that enables D2D communication between passive nodes by integrating wireless power transfer and backscatter communication, which is called a wirelessly powered backscatter communication (WP-BackCom) network. In the network, standalone power beacons (PBs) are deployed for wirelessly powering nodes by beaming unmodulated carrier signals to targeted nodes. Provisioned with a backscatter antenna, a node transmits data to an intended receiver by modulating and reflecting a fraction of a carrier signal. Such transmission by backscatter consumes orders-of-magnitude less power than a traditional radio. Thereby, the dense deployment of low-complexity PBs with high transmission power can power a large-scale IoT. In this paper, a WP-BackCom network is modeled as a random Poisson cluster process in the horizontal plane where PBs are Poisson distributed and active ad-hoc pairs of backscatter communication nodes with fixed separation distances form random clusters centered at PBs. The backscatter nodes can harvest energy from and backscatter carrier signals transmitted by PBs. Furthermore, the transmission power of each node depends on the distance from the associated PB. Applying stochastic geometry, the network coverage probability and transmission capacity are derived and optimized as functions of backscatter parameters, including backscatter duty cycle and reflection coefficient, as well as the PB density. The effects of the parameters on network performance are characterized.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, has been submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communicatio